12 Hours Advanced Driving Improvement Course (ADI)
If you have a Florida driver's license and received many tickets and end up accumulating too many points, your license will be suspended and you will have to attend an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course in order to get your driver’s license reinstated.
If the suspension of your license has passed, you may be eligible to get your Driver’s License today. Call us, pay for the class, get a proof of enrollment and take the class at our main location in West Palm Beach at a later date (90 days to complete the class).
You might also have to attend this Class if you disputed a traffic ticket in court and the Judge or Hearing Officer ordered you to attend a 12 Hours ADI Court Ordered Course as a part of the requirements to satisfy the judgement. This 12 hour course has been approved by the Florida DHSMV and is accepted in all Florida Courts.
This ADI course is also a requirement if your Florida driver’s license has been revoked for being a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO). If you are classified as a habitual traffic offender, your driver's license will be revoked for five years. After one year from the effective date of revocation, you may request a hardship license by contacting the closest Bureau of Administrative Reviews.
Proof of enrollment in an ADI course must be presented to apply for a Florida Hardship License.
12 hr ADI Class Frequently Asked Questions
What is an ADI Class?
ADI Class stands for Advanced Driving Improvement Course.
How many hours is the ADI Class?
The ADI class is 12 Hours.
Where can I Attend the 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class?
At Affordable Driving Traffic School which is conveniently located at:
3167 Forest Hill Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
How can I register for the ADI Class?
You can register by calling (561) 969-0150 Or Online by Clicking HERE.
Will I be able to get a School Enrollment Form to reinstate my Florida Driver’s License?
Yes, you can Register for the 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class and get a School Enrollment Form from us. You have 90 days to complete the class from the day you pay for the ADI class.
How can I attend the ADI Class at Affordable Driving Traffic School?
You can attend the Class in three ways In-Person, Online and Zoom Live Stream (just like being in the class room, call us for details.
Which is the best way to take the ADI 12 Hours Traffic School Class?
The 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class is much easier to attended In-Person with us, our class is the easiest and painless.
Why is the ADI Class at Affordable Driving Traffic School In-Person much easier and convenient?
The 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class is a lot easier to do it In-Person because:
- Not much reading
- No essays to write, no test
- Lunch break, Dinner break and all breaks are included in the 12 hours
- If you have questions, you can ask questions to the Instructor
- You will receive your Certificate of Completion at the end of the class.
- If you are Court Ordered in Palm Beach County, We will notify the Palm Beach County Clerk of the County Court.
Who must attend the 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class?
- When a person is Court Ordered to Attend the 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Course.
- If a person is ordered by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for:
- Accumulating too many points
- Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO)
- for other Florida Department Requirements.
- Other States may order someone to complete this 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class
What is a Habitual Traffic Offender?
Habitual Traffic Offender is someone who has been convicted of 3 major offenses or 15 offenses which carry points within a five-year period must complete this ADI Class in order to get the license reinstated.
Is the ADI Class Taught at Affordable Driving Traffic School accepted in Palm Beach Court System?
Yes, this ADI Course is accepted at the Palm Beach Clerk of the County Court.
Is the ADI Class taken at this school accepted in other Clerk of the County Court of other Counties?
Yes, the 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class is accepted in all Florida Courts and in other States DMVs.
Will I get a Certificate of Completion at the end of the 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class?
Yes, Affordable Driving Traffic School will provide you a Certificate of Completion at the end of your 12 Hours ADI Class.
Will Affordable Driving Traffic School report me to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FDHSMV) for my 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class attendance?
Yes, we will notify The State (FDHSMV) of your School attendance; as soon as a certificate is printed The State will know you had completed the class since all 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Certificates are printed directly from the State.
Will I get reported by this school to the Palm Beach County’s Clerk of the County Court?
Yes, Affordable Driving Traffic School will notify The Palm Beach County Clerk of the County Court of your 12 Hours ADI Traffic School completion.
When is the 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Class offered?
We offer this 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Classes on these days and times:
Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm.
If these hours are not convenient for you, can also divide the class in 3 different segments, call us for more details at (561) 969-0150
What is the cost of The ADI Traffic School Class at Affordable Driving Traffic School?
The cost of the ADI Class is $100.00 no hidden fees, no State assessment fees, no certificate extra fees, NO HIDDEN FEES.
Can I register now for a 12 Hours ADI Traffic School Course at Affordable Driving Traffic School?
Yes, register now online by clicking HERE or call us (561) 969-0150
Note: If you hold a Florida driver license and receive a ticket for a moving violation in Arizona, the state of Arizona may withhold adjudication if you complete this state-approved advanced driver improvement course.